Monday, January 9, 2012


These past few days, I'm becoming a bookworm. LOL! Maybe because I have more than enough spare time to do so.

I first heard this book to my psychology professor when we are talking about split personality. She said that this person, the main character, suffers from a DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDER because of having two different personalities. I decided back then to find why but because I don't have much time before I wasn't able to read it until I almost forgot it.

Until one night, when I'm reading profile information of one of my favorite author (filipina), this title caught my attention. Since then I decided to search for it and download. I had a hard time finding a copy because I'm looking for .jar extension file but with God's lead I able to find it on http://UMNET.COM

Now, I'm having a hard time on reading it, I was like about to read one paragraph twice to be able to understand it. It really has the deepest english word ever! Wooooh.

I'll be getting over with this soon I promise, and by then I'll post a review about the story itself.


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