Sunday, January 8, 2012


Last night, I downloaded fb mobile application in my phone using a certain network.
Today, I decided to test it's feature. I used wifi connection this time but I'm so much disappointed to what I just saw. It doesn't have the feature of uploading photos. That bugs me so I decided to upgrade the version using my phone. After few minutes of waiting, I don't get it, the upgraded one is still the same as the old. When I click the menu It doesn't have now the upgrade button and it really goosebumps me up!
I decided to make a little research about the new application and there is this article that talks about the same problem as mine. As I read it, It says there that if you're going to download it using your phone and without certain hacked versions, the NEW APP doesn't have the upload feature unlike before. So much for that here is the Q&A segment there.

Open Question: My facebook app sucks.?

I downloaded the app on my phone, but just realized that you CAN'T upload pictures via the app (the email thing is a pain in the ****) K. But, it only has the status bar at the top instead of what I saw with a button that says 'status' and one that says 'photo' Why.
--I have FB App version 2.5.0 (Just re downloaded again to check, same thing.)
Asked by Kirsty 3 days ago 18 hours left to answer. Report Abuse

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Answers (1)
unfortunately that is how mobile facebook is unless you can get it to the desktop site, then itll be easier but thats only if ur phone is fast enough
I'll try to download it from computer, test and make a review on it.

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