Wednesday, February 23, 2011


                  There is this girl who loves collecting dolls, Blythe dolls to be specific. Her name is Claire. She collects dolls which her mother buys for her whenever her mom is out of the country for business. Claire is very lovely, sweet and kind. She treats her dolls as if they are her own sister. Sab is Claire’s most favorite doll. She named it after her younger sister Sabrina who died when she was only 2 years old. She dressed it the way she dressed herself.

                  One day, when Claire and her mom is out to shop for new dresses of her dolls as her Mom’s birthday girt for her, the saw a group of street children (girls) who asked for money. Claire asked her mom to stop the car and said, “Mon, I have an idea! Why don’t I share with them my dolls?”. “I thought you love your dolls so much? Don’t you like them now sweetie?” Her mom replied. “My dolls make me happy and as a birthday gift to myself, I want those girls to be happy too like I’m at my happiest moment when I’m with my dolls. I know my girls can make them happy too”. “I’m so proud of you sweetie, don’t worry that kindness of yours, I’ll give you a reward for that, more dolls? How about that? Anything! You’re the best mom in the whole world. “That sweetness of you makes me happy sweetie”. That very moment they went back to their house and got all the dolls. She talked to her dolls, “you’re getting a new sister and they will love and take care if you as much as I do”. She puts all of them inside the box (except Sab of course) and went back to plaza.

                  “Hi girls, it’s my birthday today and I want to give you gifts instead. These are my dolls; would you take care of them for me? They are so pretty, aren’t they?” Claire said. “Are you sure you’re going to lend these pretty stuffs to our dirty hands?” The girl named Ana said. “Yes of course, why not? These girls are amazing; they can make you as happy as I am”. Claire replied. “So, are you going to get these pretty dolls?” Claire added. “Of course yes! It’s every girl’s dream to have at least one doll. Thank you for making our dreams comes true. Happy Birthday! (Singing a birthday song). That is so sweet, thank you. Take care of these dolls. Goodbye for now. They went back to their car and went back home smiling. They slept together inside her mom’s room. “The best birthday ever, I love you Sab I love you Mom” Said Claire. I love you too girls, sweet dreams. (Lights Off).

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