Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Meet the guy who stole my heart :)
His name is Jayson, a 22-year-old man residing in the same city as mine, Valenzuela.

I remember the time when we first saw each other, it was like--- uhh--- just nothing, I don't feel anything special for him. I'm actually mad at him that time because he made me wait for him for a few minutes. Just a few minutes but GAAAAH! I hate waiting okay? It's not my thing.

Moving on, we've been together for a months now. And all I can say is...
I wanna be with him fore-- Yeah! FOREVER!

Lezz go to the picture, it was taken few days ago when he went here in our house before we go to the church. Yeah, we regularly go to church every Sunday.  He insisted it, not me okay? I mean the picture. Don't stare! Dont glare! Not funny! LOLS~ He insisted to take many pictures for an album, imagine? The guy? He's the one who wants us to have an album. I mean, not so common eh? It is most of the time girl's idea. But him? OH EM. Hahaha. But hey, I refused. Not because I was ashamed of having photos with him. It's just that, I'm not into that thing. It's not me, although I really wanna have pictures together. Uhh? Am I confusing you now guys? Hahaha. Sorry :D

Oh well, I am being talkative here. I just wanna say that I really love this guy and I wanna spend my last days here in earth with him. I am saying all of this not for the blog purposes and good impressions. I am saying this because this is what I feel. I've never been this happy in my whole life. I know he loves me so much that he doesn't want me to be hurt by any means. I owe this guy a lot for changing my love life history, hahaha. K!

This is long enough! I must cut it here na :P

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