Monday, October 6, 2014

Random 101

Hello Guys! I'm baaack :)

Just to sum up what I've done & where I've been the whole weekend...

Last friday, as soon as I am out of the office, I headed to the wake of my very good friend and stayed until midnight.

Saturday came and it's time to catch up with my college buds. Had some shots of tequila & went on a food trip at 10th. Right after that, I headed again to the wake and had some beer with HS friends up until 5am.

Sunday, attended the memorial service with HS buds despite of heavy rain & flood coming our way.

Now, My body's freakin' tired & exhausted. Took an Elective Holiday.
So much photos to upload.
Going to watch Spirited Away & Grave of the Fireflies.
Yeah, anime movies are quite addicting.

So yeah, this means I have a load now in Globe after quite some time :)))